Translation Agency London
Certified Translation Services is a full-service translation agency in London. We provide excellent translation services and help our clients reach out to a global audience.
It is a well established fact that communications you make build up your brands essence, your core values and what you stand for. That is why it is so important to Speak consistently with all your markets. We have helped some of the world’s top most brands communicate globally, thereby also improving their international sales.
As a reliable and reputable translation agency London, we’ve got the best commercial and technical native-speaking translation experts for every challenge. We have years of experience in the translation industry, more than 4000 happy clients and have translated millions of words across more than 10,000 projects.
Besides document translation we also provide online translation and simultaneous interpreting services.
Why should you choose Certified Translation services over other translation agencies?
- Best value for your money.
- 100% accurate translations only by native speaking accredited translators.
- Extensive experience in a wide variety of sectors such as Technology and Law.
- Very fast translation services (express 24 hours service also available).
- Extensive experience in a wide variety of languages such as French, Arabic, Chinese and Japanese.
In our experience as a translation agency, we have seen many big and small companies fail to communicate marketing messages, thereby failing to communicate the essence of their brand in front of an international audience. In more than 90% of such cases, the main reason behind the failed communication is a failed translation, more specifically - translations that are not in consistence with the original document.
Do you think you are getting the correct messages across to your customers, who maybe situated in various parts of the world? The well thought words you use on your website, in your supplier catalogues, instruction manuals, product brochures, in TV interviews and conversations provide a lot more information about you and your company.
We are a renowned translation agency that ensures excellent quality, pricing and management. We aim at building long term relationship with our clients.
We provide niche translation services for a variety of industries. Having translated from websites and marketing collateral in Arabic to technical and public documents in Japanese, we provide a wide range of translation services for all major languages and niche industries.
As a highly experienced translation agency, we have an excellent reputation in providing translation services for almost every field and language.
When time is of critical importance you can select our express translation services to get your translations within 24 hours.
Translation Agency for Businesses
Businesses who want to leave global footprints need an expert team of translators who not only understand the terms they use, but are equipped with expertise in the specific industries and language they want to communicate in.
Our translation teams consist of a little over 5,000 native speaking translators, located across the globe. We have carefully selected the best and highly experienced translators and have got ever major language covered for you. We provide translation services in more than 200 languages.
All translations require slightly different types of translation skills. It’s also important that the translation agency understands the medium for which you are translating.
We understand that as a business expert in your industry, you may feel that your products or services are too technical or specialist to be translated by a translation agency like ours, or maybe a local translator could be a right choice.
But throughout years of experience we have witnessed many clients who turn to us after poor experiences with freelancers, local translator agents and even their own country translators for not being able to meet the quality and sometimes even deadlines.
However we guarantee 100% quality assurance, with fast turnaround and accredited translations. Contact us and start to communicate internationally today.