Translation of food and related sciences need highly experienced translators who understand the food terminology and the fooding industry very well. As quality control, environment and ethical considerations play an important in production and distribution in the food and related industries, it is important to team up with only the best translators. Non compliance in matters related to food, health and safety information will not just lead to severe penalties, but can have a severe detrimental impact on the global reputation of your brand as well. Our professional team of Italian food translators have in depth knowledge of the food sector. With years of experience they have gathered the necessary skill to deliver not just fast and accurate food translations, but translations that also appeal to the target audience.

We provide high quality, 100% accurate translation services from Italian to other languages and from other languages into Italian, at very affordable rates. Languages for which we provide Italian translation services includes all major languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Urdu and a number of other languages as well. Our special team of Fench translators consists of native speaking Fench translation experts, who specialize in various industries and have years of experience providing translation services.
We are a leading translation company in London, UK. In addition to Italian food translation services, we also provide certified translation services, document translation services, interpreting services, legal translation, subtitling services, technical translations and website translation services as well.
The following list has Italian to English translation of many common words about food.
Italian Language |
English Language |
il cibo |
Food |
la carne |
Meat |
l'agnello |
lamb |
il macellaio |
butcher |
il gancio |
meat hook |
l'affilacoltelli |
knife sharpener |
la bilancia |
scales |
la pancetta |
bacon |
le salsicce |
sausages |
il fegato |
liver |
il maiale |
pork |
il cervo |
venison |
la carne cotta |
cooked meat |
il manzo |
beef |
il coniglio |
rabbit |
affumicato |
smoked |
biologico |
organic |
la carne bianca |
white meat |
il vitello |
veal |
la lingua |
tongue |
trattato |
cured |
la carne magra |
lean meat |
la carne rossa |
red meat |
Italian Language |
English Language |
i tagli |
Cuts |
il prosciutto |
ham |
la cotenna |
rind |
la fetta |
slice |
la carne macinata |
ground meat |
il filetto |
fillet |
la bistecca di culaccio |
rump steak |
il filetto di manzo |
sirloin steak |
la costata |
rib |
la costoletta |
chop |
il grasso |
fat |
l'osso |
bone |
l'arrosto |
joint |
il rognone |
kidney |
il cuore |
heart |
Italian Language |
English Language |
il pollo |
Poultry |
la pelle |
skin |
il petto |
breast |
la coscia |
thigh |
il tacchino |
turkey |
la zampa |
leg |
la quaglia |
quail |
il fagiano |
pheasant |
il pollo preparato |
dressed chicken |
l'ala |
wing |
il pollo |
chicken |
l'anatra |
duck |
l'oca |
goose |
Italian Language |
English Language |
il pesce |
Fish |
la pescheria |
fish counter |
i gamberi sgusciati |
peeled shrimp |
la triglia |
red mullet |
i filetti di ippoglosso |
halibut fillets |
la trota |
rainbow trout |
la rana pescatrice |
monkfish |
lo sgombro |
mackerel |
la trota |
trout |
il pesce spada |
swordfish |
la sogliola |
Dover sole |
la sogliola limanda |
lemon sole |
l'eglefino |
haddock |
la sardina |
sardine |
la razza |
skate |
il merlango |
whiting |
la spigola |
sea bass |
il salmone |
salmon |
il merluzzo |
cod |
l’abramide |
sea bream |
il tonno |
tuna |
Italian Language |
English Language |
i frutti di mare |
Seafood |
il pettine |
scallop |
il granchio |
crab |
l’aragosta |
lobster |
il gambero |
jumbo shrimp |
la cozza |
mussel |
l'ostrica |
oyster |
il cannolicchio |
razorshell clam |
il gambero d'acqua dolce |
crayfish |
il cardio |
cockle |
il polpo |
octopus |
la seppia |
cuttlefish |
il calamaro |
squid |
la vongola |
clam |
congelato |
frozen |
salato |
salted |
affumicato |
smoked |
il lombo |
loin |
la coda |
tail |
la spina |
bone |
la squama |
scale |
fresco |
fresh |
pulito |
cleaned |
spellato |
skinned |
spinato |
boned |
a filetti |
filleted |
la trancia |
steak |
Italian Language |
English Language |
la verdura |
Vegetables |
la fava |
fava bean |
il seme |
seed |
il fagiolino |
green bean |
il pisello |
pea |
il granturco |
corn |
il germoglio di soia |
bean sprout |
il bambù |
bamboo |
l’okra |
okra |
la cicoria |
chicory |
il finocchio |
fennel |
i cuori di palma |
palm hearts |
il sedano |
celery |
la foglia |
leaf |
il germoglio |
floret |
lo stelo |
stalk |
il nocciolo |
kernel |
la rucola |
arugula |
il crescione |
watercress |
il radicchio |
radicchio |
il cavolino di Bruxelles |
Brussels sprouts |
la bietola |
Swiss chard |
il cavolo verde |
kale |
l'acetosa |
sorrel |
l'indivia |
endive |
il dente di leone |
dandelion |
gli spinaci |
spinach |
il cavolo rapa |
kohlrabl |
la bieta |
bok choy |
la lattuga |
lettuce |
il broccolo |
broccoli |
il cavolo |
cabbage |
la verza |
greens |
il carciofo |
artichoke |
il cavolfiore |
cauliflower |
la patata |
potato |
la cipolla |
onion |
il peperone |
sweet pepper |
il peperoncino |
chilli pepper |
la zucca |
squash |
la rapa |
turnip |
il ravanello |
radish |
il pomodorino |
cherry tomato |
la carota |
carrot |
la radice di taro |
taro root |
il frutto dell’albero del pane |
breadfruit |
la cassava |
cassava |
la patata novella |
new potato |
la castagna d’acqua |
water chestnut |
la patata dolce |
sweet potato |
l’igname |
yam |
la barbabietola |
beet |
la rapa svedese |
rutabaga |
il topinambur |
jerusalem artichoke |
il rafano |
horseradish |
la pastinaca |
parsnip |
lo zenzero |
ginger |
la melanzana |
eggplant |
il pomodoro |
tomato |
la cipollina |
green onion |
il porro |
leek |
lo scalogno |
shallot |
l’aglio |
garlic |
il fungo |
mushroom |
il cetriolo |
cucumber |
la zucchina |
zucchini |
la zucca |
butternut squash |
la zucca a ghianda |
acorn squash |
la zucca |
pumpkin |
Italian Language |
English Language |
la frutta |
Fruits |
il mango |
mango |
l'avocado |
avocado |
la pesca |
peach |
il kiwi |
kiwi fruit |
l'ananas |
pineapple |
la papaia |
papaya |
il litchi |
lychee |
l’alchechengi |
cape gooseberry |
la mela cotogna |
quince |
il frutto della passione |
passion fruit |
la banana |
banana |
la guaiava |
guava |
il melograno |
pomegranate |
il cachi |
persimmon |
il feijoa |
feijoa |
il fico d'india |
prickly pear |
la carambola |
starfruit |
la mangostina |
mangosteem |
Citrus fruits
Italian Language |
English Language |
gli agrumi |
Citrus fruits |
l'arancio |
orange |
la clementina |
clementine |
il mapo |
ugli fruit |
il pompelmo |
grapefruit |
il mandarino |
tangerine |
il satsuma |
satsuma |
la limetta |
lime |
il limone |
lemon |
l’arancino cinese |
kumquat |
Stone fruits
Italian Language |
English Language |
les fruits à noyau |
Stone fruits |
la pesca |
peach |
la pesca noce |
nectarine |
l'albicocca |
apricot |
la prugna |
plum |
la ciliegia |
cherry |
la mela |
apple |
la pera |
pear |
Berries and Melons
Italian Language |
English Language |
i frutti di bosco e i meloni |
Berries and Melons |
la fragola |
strawberry |
il lampone |
raspberry |
la mora |
blackberry |
il ribes rosso |
red currant |
l’ossicocco |
cranberry |
il ribes nero |
black currant |
il mirtillo |
blueberry |
la mora-lampone |
loganberry |
l'uva spina |
gooseberry |
il ribes bianco |
white currant |
il melone |
melon |
l'uva |
grapes |
l'anguria |
watermelon |
Nuts and Dried fruits
Italian Language |
English Language |
le noci e la frutta secca |
Nuts and Dried fruits |
il pinolo |
pine nut |
il pistacchio |
pistachio |
l'anacardio |
cashew |
l'arachide |
peanut |
la nocciola |
hazelnut |
la mandorla brasiliana |
Brazil nut |
il pecan |
pecan |
la mandorla |
almond |
la noce |
walnut |
la castagna |
chestnut |
la macadamia |
macadamia |
il fico |
fig |
il dattero |
date |
la prugna secca |
prune |
l'uva sultanina |
seedless raisin |
l'uvetta |
raisin |
l'uva passa |
currant |
la noce di cocco |
coconut |
arrostito |
roasted |
il nocciolo |
kernel |
la frutta candita |
candied fruit |
la frutta tropicale |
tropical fruit |
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