We are experts in German technical translation. Our German engineering translation services include translating, Operation manuals, Technical reports, Safety manuals, Reports and proposals, Installation manuals, Plans, Equipment manuals, Data sheets, Technical drawings, specifications and many more documents as well audio/video files.
Technical translation is something that can be complex and accuracy is of pivotal importance in the field. From aerospace, automotive, electrical to the industrial sector, our translation service covers diverse fields of the engineering and technical realm. With significant experience and expertise in engineering translation, we can translate all your technical documents with clarity and precision while preserving the precise meaning of the document.
German Engineering & Technical translation
German along with Afrikaans, English, Dutch, Scots and Frisian, belong to West Germanic family of languages. The common feature which all these languages share are the many common lexemes, which is a unit of lexical meaning that exists regardless of the number of inflectional endings. Widely spoken in Central Europe, German is the co-official language in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, South Tyrol (Italy), the German-speaking Community of Belgium and Liechtenstein. It is also one of the three official languages of Luxembourg.
Below are German to English translations of some common terms used in the Engineering and Technical fields.
German Language | English Language |
das Labor | laboratory |
die Laborwaage | scale |
das Gewicht | weight |
das Reagenzglas | test tube |
der Bunsenbrenner | bunsen burner |
der Dreifuß | tripod |
die Glasflasche | glass bottle |
die Klammer | clamp |
der Versuch | experiment |
das Thermometer | thermometer |
die Schutzbrille | safety goggles |
der Magnet | magnet |
die negative Elektrode | negative electrode |
die Batterie | battery |
die positive Elektrode | positive electrode |
die Mathematik | math |
die Formen | shapes |
der Umfang | circumference |
der Mittelpunkt | center |
der Durchmesser | diameter |
der Kreis | circle |
der Radius | radius |
das Quadrat | square |
der Winkel | angle |
das Dreieck | triangle |
das Fünfeck | pentagon |
das Sechseck | hexagon |
das Trapez | trapezium |
der Rhombus | rhombus |
der Zylinder | cylinder |
die Grundfläche | base |
der Kegel | cone |
der Würfel | cube |
die Pyramide | pyramid |
parallel | parallel |
gerade | straight |
senkrecht | perpendicular |
das Volumen | volume |
die Abmessungen | dimensions |
die Geometrie | geometry |
subtrahieren | subtract |
gleich | equals |
addieren | add |
die Zahlen | numbers |
null | zero |
eins | one |
zwei | two |
drei | three |
vier | four |
fünf | five |
sechs | six |
sieben | seven |
acht | eight |
neun | nine |
zehn | ten |
zwanzig | twenty |
dreißig | thirty |
vierzig | forty |
fünfzig | fifty |
sechzig | sixty |
siebzig | seventy |
achtzig | eighty |
neunzig | ninety |
hundert | one hundred |