Spanish to English translation
We are a leading translation services provider in London, UK. Our expertise is Spanish and English translations. In this page we have selected 77 common Spanish words and translated them to English. Along with that we have used them in sentences and provided their Spanish Translation to English translation as well. We hope you like our collection of Spanish sentence translations.
- a[A] preposition at, in, to
Ellos van a México.
They are going to Mexico. - a la derecha[a-la-de-RE-cha] preposition to the right
El auto dobla a la derecha.
The car turns to the right. - a la izquierda [a-la-is-KYER-da] preposition to the left
Enrique se sienta a la izquierda de Carlos.
Henry sits to the left of Charles. - el abanico[a-ba-NEE-co] noun, masc. fan
Usa el abanico porque hace calor.
She uses the fan because it’s hot.
- a[A] preposition at, in, to
- la abeja [a-BE-ja] noun, fem. bee
A la abeja le gustan las flores.
The bee likes flowers. - abierto[a-BYER-to] adjective, masc. open
abierta[a-BYER-ta] fem.
La caja está abierta.
The box is open. - el abogado[a-bo-GA-do] noun, masc. lawyer, attorney
Mi papá es abogado.
My father is a lawyer. - abril[A-BREEL] noun, masc. April
En abril llueve mucho.
It rains a lot in April. - abrir[a-BREER] verb to open
Marcos abre la puerta.
Mark opens the door. - la abuela [a-BUE-la] noun, fem. grandmother
La abuela prepara la comida.
The grandmother prepares the food. - el abuelo[a-BUE-lo] noun, masc. grandfather
Mi abuelo va a la pesca.
My grandfather goes fishing. - acabar[a-ka-BAR] verb to finish
Alejandra siempre acaba la tarea temprano.
Alexandra always finishes the homework early. - acabar de[a-ka-BAR-de] idiomatic expression to have just
Él acaba de tomar un refresco.
He just had a drink. - el aceite[a-SAY-te] noun, masc. oil
El motor necesita aceite.
The motor needs oil. - la acera [a-SE-ra] noun, fem. sidewalk
Ellos caminan por la acera.
They walk along the sidewalk. - acompañar[a-com-pa-NYAR] verb to go along, to accompany
El muchacho acompaña a su hermana.
The boy accompanies his sister.
- la abeja [a-BE-ja] noun, fem. bee
- acostarse[a-kos-TAR-se] verb to go to bed
Los niños se acuestan a las nueve.
The children go to bed at nine. - el actor[ak-TOR] noun, masc. actor
El actor está aquí.
The actor is here. - el acuario[a-KUA-reeo] noun, masc. aquarium
Hay peces en el acuario.
There are fish in the aquarium. - adiós[a-DEEOS] interjection good-bye
El papá dice “adiós.”
The father says “Good-bye.” - adivinar[a-dee-bee-NAR] verb to guess
Adivina lo que traigo.
Guess what I have. - adrede[a-DRE-de] adverb on purpose
El niño rompe el vaso adrede.
The boy breaks the glass on purpose. - la aeromoza [ae-ro-MO-sa] noun, fem. flight attendant
La aeromoza ayuda a los pasajeros.
The flight attendant helps the passengers. - el aeropuerto[ae-ro-PUER-to] noun, masc. airport
El avión sale del aeropuerto.
The plane leaves the airport. - afuera[a-FUE-ra] adverb outside
El jardín está afuera.
The garden is outside.
- acostarse[a-kos-TAR-se] verb to go to bed
- agarrar[a-ga-RRAR] verb to catch, to get
Yo también quiero agarrar un pollito.
I also want to catch a chick. - agosto[a-GOS-to] noun, masc. August
Su cumpleaños es en agosto.
Her birthday is in August. - agradable[a-gra-DA-ble] adjective pleasant, nice
Mi maestra es agradable.
My teacher is nice. - agua[A-gua] noun, fem. water
Tengo sed. Dame agua, por favor.
I’m thirsty. Give me some water, please. - la aguja [a-GU-ja] noun, fem. needle
La señora usa la aguja para coser.
The lady uses the needle to sew. - ahora[a-O-ra] adverb now
Ahora no podemos ir.
We can’t go now. - ahorrar[a-o-RRAR] verb to save
Lino ahorra su dinero.
Linus saves his money. - el aire[AEE-re] noun, masc. air
Ellos abren la ventana para que entre aire fresco.
They open the window so the cool air can come in. - el ala[A-la] noun, fem. wing
las alas [A-las]
El pájaro usa las alas para volar.
The bird uses his wings to fly. - la alberca [al-BER-ka] noun, fem. pool
Roberto nada en la alberca. (la piscina)
Robert swims in the pool. - la alcancía [al-kan-SEE-a] noun, fem. (piggy) bank
Eloísa guarda el dinero en su alcancía.
Eloise keeps the money in her bank. - alegre[a-LE-gre] adjective cheerful, gay, glad
Hoy los niños están alegres.
The children are cheerful today. - la alfombra [al-FOM-bra] noun, fem. rug
La alfombra de la sala es hermosa.
The rug in the living room is beautiful. - algo[AL-go] pronoun, masc. something
Hay algo en la caja.
There is something in the box. - el algodón[al-go-DON] noun, masc. cotton
El vestido es de algodón.
The dress is made of cotton.
- agarrar[a-ga-RRAR] verb to catch, to get
- alguien[AL-gyen] pronoun someone
Alguien está en la puerta.
Someone is at the door. - algunas veces[al-GU-nas-BE-ses] adverb sometimes
Algunas veces vamos al parque zoológico.
Sometimes we go to the zoo. - la almohada [al-mo-A-da] noun, fem. pillow
Duermo en una almohada suave.
I sleep on a soft pillow. - alrededor[al-rre-de-DOR] adverb around
El jardín está alrededor de la casa.
The garden is around the house. - el alumno[a-LUM-no] noun, masc. pupil
la alumna [a-LUM-na] fem.
El alumno hace la lección en clase.
The pupil does his lesson in class. - allá[a-LYA, a-YA] adverb down there, over there
Allá está el avión.
The plane is over there. - allí[a-LYEE, a-YEE] adverb there
Tu libro está allí.
Your book is there. - amar[a-MAR] verb to love
Mi mamá ama a mi papá.
My mom loves my dad. - la ambulancia [am-bu-LAN-seea] noun, fem. ambulance
La ambulancia va al hospital.
The ambulance is going to the hospital. - americano[a-me-ree-KA-no] adjective, masc. American
americana[a-me-ree-KA-na] fem.
Mi maestro es americano de los Estados Unidos.
My teacher is an American from the United States. - el amigo[a-MEE-go] noun, masc. friend, chum
la amiga [a-MEE-ga] fem.
Los amigos están pescando.
The friends are fishing. - anaranjado[a-na-ran-JA-do] adjective, masc. orange
anaranjada[a-na-ran-JA-da] fem.
color de naranja[ko-LOR-de-na-RAN-ja]
Su camisa es anaranjada.
His shirt is orange. - ancho[AN-cho] adjective, masc. wide
ancha[AN-cha] fem.
La calle es muy ancha.
The street is very wide. - andar[an-DAR] verb to go, to walk
Ellos andan en el parque.
They are walking in the park. - andar a caballo [an-DAR-a-ka-BA-yo] idiomatic expression to go horseback riding
Cada domingo anda a caballo.
Every Sunday he goes horseback riding. - andar en bicicleta, montar en bicicleta [an-DAR-(mon-TAR)-en-bee-see-KLE-ta] to go bicycle riding
Le gusta montar en bicicleta.
She likes to go bicycle riding.
- alguien[AL-gyen] pronoun someone
- el anillo[a-NEE-lyo, a-NEE-yo] noun, masc. ring
¡Qué anillo tan bonito!
What a beautiful ring! - el aniversario[a-nee-ber-SA-reeo] noun, masc. anniversary
Mis padres celebran su aniversario.
My parents are celebrating their anniversary. - la antena de televisión [an-TE-na-de-te-le-bee-SEEON] noun, fem. television antenna
Las casas tienen antenas de televisión.
The houses have television antennas. - antes[AN-tes] preposition before
Antes de mirar la televisión, hay que hacer las tareas.
Before watching television, we have to do our homework. - el año[A-nyo] noun, masc. year
Roberto tiene quince años.
Robert is fifteen years old. - apagar[a-pa-GAR] verb to turn off
El papá apaga la luz.
The father turns off the light. - el aparador[a-pa-ra-DOR] noun, masc. store window
Hay ropa en el aparador. (la vitrina)
There are clothes in the store window. - el aparato de televisión [a-pa-RA-to-de-te-le-bee-SEEON] noun, masc. television set
El aparato de televisión es moderno.
The television set is modern. - el apartamento[a-par-ta-MEN-to] noun, masc. apartment
Ellos viven en un apartamento cerca de la escuela.
They live in an apartment near the school. - el apellido[a-pe-LYEE-do] noun, masc. family surname
¿Cuál es su apellido?
What is your family surname? - el apetito[a-pe-TEE-to] noun, masc. appetite
Mi hermano come con buen apetito.
My brother has a good appetite. - el apio[A-peeo] noun, masc. celery
Me gusta el apio en la ensalada.
I like celery in the salad. - aprender[a-pren-DER] verb to learn
Se va a la escuela a aprender.
One goes to school to learn. - apretado[a-pre-TA-do] adjective, masc. tight
apretada[a-pre-TA-da] fem.
El saco está apretado.
The coat (jacket) is tight. - aquí[a-KEE] adverb here
Aquí están los zapatos.
The shoes are here.
- el anillo[a-NEE-lyo, a-NEE-yo] noun, masc. ring
- aquí tieneidiomatic expression here is, are
Aquí tiene usted su paquete.
Here is your package. - la araña [a-RA-nya] noun, fem. spider
¿Quién tiene miedo de la araña?
Who’s afraid of the spider? - el árbol[AR-bol] noun, masc. tree
El árbol tiene muchas ramas.
The tree has many branches. - el arco iris[AR-co-EE-rees] noun, masc. rainbow
El arco iris tiene muchos colores.
The rainbow has many colors. - la arena [a-RE-na] noun, fem. sand
En la playa hay arena.
There is sand on the beach. - el armario[ar-MA-reeo] noun, masc. cupboard
Los platos hondos están en el armario.
The bowls are in the cupboard.