Certified Translation services is a leading name in the field of Automotive Translations. Our automotive translation experts are highly experienced specialists, who are well trained to provide professional translations. For all translations in and from French language, our native French language staff of automotive translators will provide you the best translations for all your needs. We also specialize in providing Certified Translation services. So if you need an expert automotive translator, just let us know and we will do the rest for you.
In this article we provide translations in both French and English languages of words related to Car Exteriors, Car Types, Gas Station, Interiors, Controls, Mechanics and Helpful phrases while driving. We are a leading translation services provider in London, UK and provide high quality French translation services.
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French to English translation of words used in Automotive Industry
Car Exteriors
French Language |
English Language |
la voiture |
car |
l'exterieur |
exterior |
le retroviseur |
side mirror |
le pare brise |
windshield |
le retroviseur |
rearview mirror |
le capot |
hood |
le clignotant |
turn signal |
la plaque d'immatriculation |
license plate |
le pare chocs |
bumper |
l'essuie glace |
windshield wiper |
la porte |
door |
le coffre |
trunk |
la roue |
wheel |
le pneu |
tyre |
la galerie |
roof rack |
le hayon |
tailgate |
le phare |
headlight |
la ceinture de securite |
seat belt |
le siege d'enfant |
child seat |
le toit |
roof |
Car Types
French Language |
English Language |
les modeles |
Types |
le cabriolet sport |
sports car |
la petite voiture |
compact car |
la berline a hayon |
hatchback |
la berline |
sedan |
la decapotable |
convertible |
la voiture a six places |
minivan |
le break |
station wagon |
la quatre quatre |
four wheel drive |
la limousine |
limousine |
a deux portes |
two door |
a quatre portes |
four door |
a trois portes |
three door |
la voiture d'epoque |
vintage |
automatique |
automatic |
manuel |
manual |
Gas station
French Language |
English Language |
la station service |
Gas station |
l'huile |
oil |
avec plomb |
leaded |
l'essence |
gasoline |
le diesel |
diesel |
sans plomb |
unleaded |
l'antigel |
antifreeze |
le lave auto |
car wash |
le garage |
garage |
la pompe |
pump |
le tarif |
price |
l'aire de stationnement |
forecourt |
le compresseur |
air supply |
Le plein, s'il vous plait. |
Fill it up, please |
le lave glace |
washer fluid |
French Language |
English Language |
l'interieur |
Interiors |
le siege arriere |
backseat |
l'accoudoir |
armrest |
le repose tete |
headrest |
le verrouillage |
door lock |
la poignee |
handle |
French Language |
English Language |
les commandes |
Controls |
le volant |
steering wheel |
le klaxon |
horn |
le tableau de bord |
dashboard |
les feux de detresse |
hazard lights |
la conduite a gauche |
left hand drive |
la conduite a droite |
right hand drive |
le navigateur par satellite |
satellite navigation |
l'airbag |
air bag |
l'odometre |
odometer |
l'interrupteur feux |
lights switch |
la jauge d'essence |
fuel gauge |
le compteur |
speedometer |
le compte tours |
tachometer |
le thermometre |
temperature gauge |
la stereo |
car stereo |
la manette de chauffage |
heater controls |
le levier de vitesses |
gearshift |
l'allumage |
ignition |
le frein |
brake |
l'embrayage |
clutch |
l'accelerateur |
accelerator |
French Language |
English Language |
la mecanique |
Mechanics |
le reservoir de lave-glace |
washer fluid reservoir |
la batterie |
battery |
la jauge d'huile |
dipstick |
le filtre a air |
air filter |
le reservoir de liquide de refroidissement |
coolant reservoir |
la culasse |
cylinder head |
le tuyau |
pipe |
le reservoir de liquide de frein |
brake fluid reservoir |
la carrosserie |
body |
le radiateur |
radiator |
l'enjoliveur |
hubcap |
le ventilateur |
fan |
le moteur |
engine |
la boite de vitesses |
gearbox |
la transmission |
transmission |
l'arbre de transmission |
driveshaft |
le toit ouvrant |
sunroof |
la crevaison |
flat tire |
les ecrous de roue |
wheel nuts |
la roue de secours |
spare tire |
la manivelle |
tire iron |
le cric |
jack |
changer une roue |
change a tire |
la suspension |
suspension |
le silencieux |
muffler |
le pot d'echappement |
exhaust pipe |
l'accident de voiture |
car accident |
le turbocompresseur |
turbocharger |
la panne |
breakdown |
le distributeur |
distributor |
l'assurance |
insurance |
le chassis |
chassis |
la depanneuse |
tow truck |
le frein a main |
parking brake |
le mecanicien |
mechanic |
l'alternateur |
alternator |
la pression des pneus |
tire pressure |
la courroie de cames |
cam belt |
le porte fusibles |
fuse box |
la bougie |
spark plug |
la courroie de ventilateur |
fan belt |
le reservoir d'essence |
gas tank |
le reglage de l'allumage |
timing |
la climatisation |
air conditioning |
Helpful phrases while driving
French Language |
English Language |
On peut se garer ici? |
Can I park here? |
Ou est le parking? |
Where is the parking lot? |
Pouvez vous m'indiquer la route pour? |
Can you tell me the way to? |
Ma voiture est en panne |
My car has broken down |
Ma voiture ne demarre pas |
My car won't start |
Faites vous les reparations? |
Do you do repairs? |
Le moteur chauffe |
The engine is overheating. |