French food & menu translation services

Translation of food and related sciences need highly experienced translators who understand the food terminology and the fooding industry very well. As quality control, environment and ethical considerations play an important in production and distribution in the food and related industries, it is important to team up with only the best translators. Non compliance in matters related to food, health and safety information will not just lead to severe penalties, but can have a severe detrimental impact on the global reputation of your brand as well. Our professional team of French food translators have in depth knowledge of the food sector. With years of experience they have gathered the necessary skill to deliver not just fast and accurate food translations, but translations that also appeal to the target audience.

We provide high quality, 100% accurate translation services from French to other languages and from other languages into French, at very affordable rates. Languages for which we provide French translation services includes all major languages such as ArabicChinese, Dutch, English, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Urdu and a number of other languages as well. Our special team of Fench translators consists of native speaking Fench translation experts, who specialize in various industries and have years of experience providing translation services.

We are a leading translation company in London, UK. In addition to French food translation services, we also provide certified translation servicesdocument translation servicesinterpreting serviceslegal translationsubtitling servicestechnical translations and website translation services as well.

The following list has French to English translation of many common words about food.

French Language English Language
la nourriture Food
la viande Meat
l'agneau lamb
le boucher butcher
l'allonge meat hook
le fusil knife sharpener
la balance scales
le bacon bacon
les saucisses sausages
le foie liver
le porc pork
la venaison venison
la viande cuite cooked meat
le boeuf beef
le lapin rabbit
fume smoked
naturel organic
la viande blanche white meat
le veau veal
la langue de boeuf tongue
sale cured
la viande maigre lean meat
la viande rouge red meat
French Language English Language
les morceaux de viande Cuts
le jambon ham
la couenne rind
la tranche slice
la tranche de lard strip
la viande hachee ground meat
le filet fillet
le rumsteck rump steak
le bifteck d'aloyau sirloin steak
la cote de boeuf rib
la cotelette chop
le gras fat
l'os bone
le gigot joint
le rognon kidney
le coeur heart
French Language English Language
la volaille Poultry
la peau skin
le blanc breast
la cuisse thigh
la dinde turkey
la cuisse leg
la caille quail
le faisan pheasant
le poulet prepare dressed chicken
l'aile wing
le poulet chicken
le canard duck
l'oie goose
French Language English Language
le poisson Fish
la poissonnerie fish counter
la poissonnerie French translation of fish counter
les crevettes decortiquees peeled shrimp
le rouget barbet red mullet
les filets de fletan halibut fillets
la truite arc en ciel rainbow trout
les ailes de raie skate wings
la lotte monkfish
le maquereau mackerel
la truite trout
l'espadon swordfish
la sole Dover sole
la limande sole lemon sole
l'aiglefin haddock
la sardine sardine
la raie skate
le merlan whiting
le bar sea bass
le saumon salmon
la morue cod
la daurade sea bream
le thon tuna
French Language English Language
les fruits de mer Seafood
la coquille Saint-Jacques scallop
le crabe crab
le homard lobster
le homard French translation of lobster
la crevette jumbo shrimp
la moule mussel
l'huitre oyster
le couteau razorshell clam
l'ecrevisse crayfish
la coque cockle
la pieuvre octopus
la seiche cuttlefish
le calamar squid
le clam clam
surgele frozen
sale salted
fume smoked
escaille scaled
la longe loin
la queue tail
l'arete bone
l'escaille scale
frais fresh
prepare cleaned
sans peau skinned
sans aretes boned
en filets filleted
la tranche steak
French Language English Language
les legumes Vegetables
la feve fava bean
la graine seed
le haricot grimpant green bean
le petit pois pea
le mais corn
le germe de soja bean sprout
le bambou bamboo
l'okra okra
l'endive chicory
le fenouil fennel
les coeurs de palmier palm hearts
le celeri celery
la feuille leaf
la fleurette floret
le trognon stalk
le grain kernel
la roquette arugula
le cresson watercress
le radicchio radicchio
le chou de Bruxelles Brussels sprouts
la bette Swiss chard
le chou frise kale
l'oseille sorrel
la chicoree endive
le pissenlit dandelion
les epinards spinach
le chou-rave kohlrabl
le chou chinois bok choy
la laitue lettuce
le brocoli broccoli
le brocoli French translation of broccoli
le chou cabbage
le chou precoce greens
le chou-fleur cauliflower
la pomme de terre potato
l'oignon onion
le poivron sweet pepper
le piment chilli pepper
la courge squash
le navet turnip
le radis radish
la tomate cerise cherry tomato
la carotte carrot
le taro taro root
le fruit de l'arbre a pain breadfruit
le manioc cassava
la pomme de terre nouvelle new potato
la chataigne d'eau water chestnut
la patate douce sweet potato
l'igname yam
la betterave beet
le rutabaga rutabaga
l'artichaut artichoke
L'artichaut French translation of Artichoke
le topinambour jerusalem artichoke
le raifort horseradish
le panais parsnip
le gingembre ginger
l'aubergine eggplant
la tomate tomato
la ciboule green onion
le poireau leek
l'echalote shallot
l'ail garlic
le champignon mushroom
le cocombre cucumber
la courgette zucchini
la courge musquee butternut squash
la courge gland acorn squash
la citrouille pumpkin
French Language English Language
le fruit Fruits
la mangue mango
l'avocat avocado
la peche peach
le kiwi kiwi fruit
l'ananas pineapple
la papaye papaya
le litchi lychee
le physalis cape gooseberry
le coing quince
le fruit de la passion passion fruit
la banane banana
la goyave guava
la grenade pomegranate
le kaki persimmon
le feijoa feijoa
la figure de Barbarie prickly pear
la carambole starfruit
le mangoustan mangosteem
Citrus fruits
French Language English Language
les agrumes Citrus fruits
l'orange orange
la clementine clementine
le tangelo ugli fruit
le pamplemousse grapefruit
la mandarine tangerine
la satsuma satsuma
le citron vert lime
le citron lemon
le kumquat kumquat
Stone fruits
French Language English Language
les fruits a noyau Stone fruits
la peche peach
la nectarine nectarine
l'abricot apricot
la prune plum
la cerise cherry
la pomme apple
la poire pear
Berries and Melons
French Language English Language
les fruits rouges et les melons Berries and Melons
la fraise strawberry
la framboise raspberry
la mure blackberry
la groseille red currant
la canneberge cranberry
le cassis black currant
la myrtille blueberry
la loganberry loganberry
la groseille a maquereau gooseberry
la groseille blanche white currant
le melon melon
les raisins grapes
les raisins French translation of grapes
la pasteque watermelon
Nuts and Dried fruits
French Language English Language
les noix et les fruits secs Nuts and Dried fruits
le pignon pine nut
la pistache pistachio
la noix de cajou cashew
la cacahouete peanut
la noisette hazelnut
la noix du Bresil Brazil nut
la noix pacane pecan
l'amande almond
la noix walnut
le marron chestnut
le macadamia macadamia
la figue fig
la datte date
le pruneau prune
le raisin de Smyrne seedless raisin
le raisin sec raisin
le raisin de Corinthe currant
la noix de coco coconut
la noix de coco French translation of coconut
grille roasted
l'amande kernel
le fruit confit candied fruit
les fruits tropicaux tropical fruit

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