French to English translation of words related to Hardware, Software, Internet, Email, Courtrooms and Police

Certified Translation services is a leading name in the field of Legal Translation Services & IT Translation Services. Our legal translation and IT translation experts are highly experienced specialists, who are well trained to provide professional legal and IT translations. For all translations in and from French language, our native French language staff of legal & IT translators will provide you the best translations for all your needs. We also specialize in providing Certified Translation services. So if you need an expert legal or IT translator, just let us know and we will do the rest for you.

In this article we provide translations in both French and English languages of words related to SoftwareInternetEmailHardwareLaw (Courtrooms), and Police. We are a leading translation services provider in London, UK and provide high quality French translation services.

We specialize in providing French to English translation services, which includes the following types of translation services:

  1. Administrative translation
  2. Business & Commercial translation
  3. Clinical trials translation
  4. Computer & IT translation
  5. Economic & Financial translation
  6. Gist & Literal translations
  7. Immigration Translation
  8. Document translation
  9. Government translation
  10. Legal translations
  11. Literary translation
  12. Localized translation
  13. Manufacturing translation
  14. Marketing and PR Translation
  15. Medical translation
  16. Military and Defense Sectors Translation
  17. Official Translation
  18. Patent Translation Services
  19. Pharmaceutical Translation Services
  20. Technical translation
  21. Tender Translation Services
  22. User Manual and Employee Manual Translation
  23. Website translation

French to English translation of words related to Information Technology and Computers

French Language English Language
l'ordinateur Computer
le logiciel software
software, English translation of le-logiciel
le disque disk
la memoire memory
l'application application
les bytes bytes
la barre de menus menubar
la barre d'outils toolbar
le papier peint wallpaper
la police font
l'icone icon
la barre de defilement scrollbar
la fenetre window
le fichier file
le dossier folder
la poubelle trash
installer install
sauvegarder save
le programme program
program, English translation of le-programme
Internet & Email
French Language English Language
l'internet & le courrier electronique Internet & Email
le serveur server
le port port
le reseau network
le modem modem
le navigateur browser
naviguer browse
le site web website
l'adresse de courrier electronique email address
la boite de reception inbox
le compte de courrier electronique email account
connecter connect
le fournisseur d'acces service provider
en ligne online
entrer log on
telecharger download
la piece jointe attachment
envoyer send
recevoir receive
chercher search
French Language English Language
le materiel Hardware
l'imprimante printer
le moniteur monitor
l'ecran screen
l'unite centrale CPU
CPU, English translation of lunite-centrale
le scanneur scanner
le haur-parleur speaker
la touche key
le clavier keyboard
la souris mouse
le portable laptop
le systeme system
le cable electrique power cable
le disque dur hard drive
le bureau desktop
le processeur processor
processor, English translation of le-processeur
speach bubbles image
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