Portuguese food & menu translation services

Translation of food and related sciences need highly experienced translators who understand the food terminology and the fooding industry very well. As quality control, environment and ethical considerations play an important in production and distribution in the food and related industries, it is important to team up with only the best translators. Non compliance in matters related to food, health and safety information will not just lead to severe penalties, but can have a severe detrimental impact on the global reputation of your brand as well. Our professional team of Portuguese food translators have in depth knowledge of the food sector. With years of experience they have gathered the necessary skill to deliver not just fast and accurate food translations, but translations that also appeal to the target audience.

We provide high quality, 100% accurate translation services from Portuguese to other languages and from other languages into Portuguese, at very affordable rates. Languages for which we provide Portuguese translation services includes all major languages such as ArabicChinese, Dutch, English, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Urdu and a number of other languages as well. Our special team of Fench translators consists of native speaking Fench translation experts, who specialize in various industries and have years of experience providing translation services.

We are a leading translation company in London, UK. In addition to Portuguese food translation services, we also provide certified translation servicesdocument translation servicesinterpreting serviceslegal translationsubtitling servicestechnical translations and website translation services as well.

The following list has Portuguese to English translation of many common words about food.

Portuguese Language English Language
Os Alimentos Food
a carne Meat
a carne de borrego lamb
o talhante butcher
hak rzeznicki meat hook
o afiador de facas knife sharpener
a balanca scales
o bacon bacon
as salsichas sausages
o figado liver
a carne de porco pork
a carne de veado venison
os miudos variety meat
as carnes frias cooked meat
a carne de vaca beef
o coelho rabbit
furnado smoked
biologico organic
a carne magra white meat
a carne de vitela veal
a lingua tongue
curado cured
a carne vermelha red meat
Portuguese Language English Language
os cortes de carne Cuts
o presunto ham
o couro rind
a fatia slice
a fatia fina strip
a carne picada ground meat
o lombo fillet
o bife da alcatra rump steak
o bife do lombo sirloin steak
a costela rib
o costeleta chop
a gordura fat
o osso bone
a peca de carne joint
o rim kidney
o coracao heart
Portuguese Language English Language
a carne de aves Poultry
a pele skin
o peito breast
a coxa thigh
o peru turkey
a perna leg
a codorniz quail
o faisao pheasant
o frango perparado dressed chicken
a asa wing
o frango chicken
o pato duck
o ganso goose
Portuguese Language English Language
o piexe Fish
a peixaria fish counter
A peixaria Portuguese translation of Fish counter
as gambas peldas peeled shrimp
o salmonete red mullet
os filetes de alabote halibut fillets
a truta arco iris rainbow trout
as abas de raia skate wings
o tamboril monkfish
a cavala mackerel
a truta trout
o piexe espada swordfish
o linguado Dover sole
a solha limao lemon sole
a arinca haddock
a sardinha sardine
a raia skate
o badejo whiting
o robalo sea bass
o salmao salmon
o bacalhau cod
o pargo sea bream
o atum tuna
Portuguese Language English Language
os mariscos Seafood
a vieira scallop
o caranguejo crab
a lagosta lobster
A lagosta Portuguese translation of Lobster
o camarao real jumbo shrimp
o mexilhao mussel
a ostra oyster
o canivete razorshell clam
o lagostim do rio crayfish
o ber bigao cockle
o polvo octopus
a lula cuttlefish
o choco squid
a ameijoa clam
congelado frozen
salgado salted
furnado smoked
escamado scaled
o lombo loin
a cauda tail
a espinha bone
a escama scale
fresco fresh
limpo cleaned
sem pele skinned
sem espinhas boned
em filetes filleted
a posta steak
Portuguese Language English Language
os legumes Vegetables
a fava fava bean
o feijao verde largo runner bean
a semente seed
o feijao verde green bean
a ervilha pea
o milho doce corn
o rebento de soja bean sprout
o bambu bamboo
o quiabo okra
a endivia chicory
o funcho fennel
os palmitos palm hearts
o aipo celery
a folha leaf
a flor floret
o caule stalk
a amendoa kernel
a rucula arugula
o agriao watercress
a couve roxa radicchio
a couve de bruxelas Brussels sprouts
a acelga Swiss chard
a couve frisada kale
a azeda sorrel
a endivia endive
o dente de leao dandelion
o espinafre spinach
a couve rabano kohlrabl
a couve chinesa bok choy
a alface lettuce
os brocolos broccoli
Os brocolos Portuguese translation of Broccoli
a couve cabbage
a couve penca greens
a alcachofra artichoke
a couve flor cauliflower
a batata potato
a cebola onion
o pimento sweet pepper
a malagueta chilli pepper
a abobora menina squash
o nabo turnip
o rabanete radish
o tomate cereja cherry tomato
a cenoura carrot
a raiz de taro taro root
a fruta pao breadfruit
a mandioca cassava
a batata nova new potato
a castanha de agua water chestnut
a batata doce sweet potato
o inhame yam
a beterraba beet
a couve nabo rutabaga
a alcachofra jerusalem artichoke
o rabano picante horseradish
a pastinaga parsnip
o gengibre ginger
a beringela eggplant
o tomate tomato
o cebolinho green onion
o alho frances leek
a chalota shallot
o alho garlic
o cogumelo mushroom
o pepino cucumber
a curgete zucchini
a cabaca butternut squash
a abobora porqueira acorn squash
a abobora pumpkin
Portuguese Language English Language
a fruta Fruits
a manga mango
o abacate avocado
o pessego peach
o kiwi kiwi fruit
o ananas pineapple
o papaia papaya
a lichia lychee
o alquequenje cape gooseberry
o marmelo quince
o maracuja passion fruit
a banana banana
a goiaba guava
a roma pomegranate
o diospira persimmon
a feijoa feijoa
o figo da India prickly pear
a carambola starfruit
o mangustao mangosteem
Citrus fruits
Portuguese Language English Language
os citrinos Citrus fruits
a laranja orange
a clementina clementine
o ugli ugli fruit
a toranja grapefruit
a tangerina tangerine
a satsuma satsuma
a lima lime
o limao lemon
o kumquat kumquat
Stone fruits
Portuguese Language English Language
a fruta com caroco Stone fruits
o pessego peach
a nectarina nectarine
o alperce apricot
a ameixa plum
a cereja cherry
a maca apple
a pera pear
Berries and Melons
Portuguese Language English Language
as bagas e os meloes Berries and Melons
o morango strawberry
a framboesa raspberry
a amora blackberry
a groselha vermelha red currant
a uva dos montes cranberry
a groselha negra black currant
o mirtilo blueberry
a framboesa silvestre loganberry
a groselha espim gooseberry
a groselha branca white currant
o melao melon
a uva grapes
A uva Portuguese translation of Grapes
a melancia watermelon
Nuts and Dried fruits
Portuguese Language English Language
os frutos secos Nuts and Dried fruits
o pinhao pine nut
o pistacio pistachio
o caju cashew
O caju Portuguese translation of Cashew
o amendoim peanut
a avela hazelnut
a castanha-do-para Brazil nut
a noz pecan pecan
a amendoa almond
a noz walnut
a castanha chestnut
a macadamia macadamia
o figo fig
a tamara date
a ameixa seca prune
a sultana seedless raisin
a passa raisin
a passa de Corinto currant
o coco coconut
O coco Portuguese translation of Coconut
torrado roasted
a amendoa kernel
a fruta cristalizada candied fruit
a fruta tropical tropical fruit

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