Translation of food and related sciences need highly experienced translators who understand the food terminology and the food industry very well. As quality control, environment and ethical considerations play an important during production and distribution in the food and related industries, it is important to team up with only the best translators.
Non compliance in matters related to food, health and safety information will not just lead to severe penalties, but can have a severe detrimental impact on the global reputation of a brand as well.
Our professional teams of food translators have in depth knowledge of the food sector. With years of experience they have gathered the necessary skill to deliver not just fast and accurate food translations, but translations that also appeal to the target audience.
Below are translation of common food related words in 5 most popular global languages German, Italian, French, Portuguese and Spanish.
German Language | English Language |
die Nahrungsmittel | Food |
das Fleisch | Meat |
das Lamm | lamb |
der Metzger | butcher |
der Fleischerhaken | meat hook |
der Messerschärfer | knife sharpener |
die Waage | scales |
der Speck | bacon |
die Würstchen | sausages |
die Leber | liver |
das Schweinefleisch | pork |
das Wild | venison |
das gekochte Fleisch | cooked meat |
das Rindfleisch | beef |
das Kaninchen | rabbit |
geräuchert | smoked |
biologisch kontrolliert | organic |
das weiße Fleisch | white meat |
das Kalbfleisch | veal |
die Zunge | tongue |
gepökelt | cured |
das magere Fleisch | lean meat |
das rote Fleisch | red meat |
Italian Language | English Language |
il cibo | Food |
la carne | Meat |
l’agnello | lamb |
il macellaio | butcher |
il gancio | meat hook |
l’affilacoltelli | knife sharpener |
la bilancia | scales |
la pancetta | bacon |
le salsicce | sausages |
il fegato | liver |
il maiale | pork |
il cervo | venison |
la carne cotta | cooked meat |
il manzo | beef |
il coniglio | rabbit |
affumicato | smoked |
biologico | organic |
la carne bianca | white meat |
il vitello | veal |
la lingua | tongue |
trattato | cured |
la carne magra | lean meat |
la carne rossa | red meat |
French Language | English Language |
la nourriture | Food |
la viande | Meat |
l’agneau | lamb |
le boucher | butcher |
l’allonge | meat hook |
le fusil | knife sharpener |
la balance | scales |
le bacon | bacon |
les saucisses | sausages |
le foie | liver |
le porc | pork |
la venaison | venison |
la viande cuite | cooked meat |
le boeuf | beef |
le lapin | rabbit |
fume | smoked |
naturel | organic |
la viande blanche | white meat |
le veau | veal |
la langue de boeuf | tongue |
sale | cured |
la viande maigre | lean meat |
la viande rouge | red meat |
Portuguese Language | English Language |
Os Alimentos | Food |
a carne | Meat |
a carne de borrego | lamb |
o talhante | butcher |
hak rzeznicki | meat hook |
o afiador de facas | knife sharpener |
a balanca | scales |
o bacon | bacon |
as salsichas | sausages |
o figado | liver |
a carne de porco | pork |
a carne de veado | venison |
os miudos | variety meat |
as carnes frias | cooked meat |
a carne de vaca | beef |
o coelho | rabbit |
furnado | smoked |
biologico | organic |
a carne magra | white meat |
a carne de vitela | veal |
a lingua | tongue |
curado | cured |
a carne vermelha | red meat |
Spanish Language | English Language |
los alimentos | Food |
la carne | Meat |
el cordero | lamb |
el carnicero | butcher |
el gancho | meat hook |
el afilador | knife sharpener |
la bascula | scales |
el tocino | bacon |
las salchichas | sausages |
el higado | liver |
el cerdo | pork |
el venado | venison |
el fiambre | cooked meat |
la vaca | beef |
el conejo | rabbit |
ahumado | smoked |
organico | organic |
la carne blanca | white meat |
la ternera | veal |
la lengua | tongue |
curado | cured |
la carne magra | lean meat |
la carne roja | red meat |