One of the biggest mistakes individuals make with language services is hiring a translator when what they actually need is an interpreter and vice versa. This happens due to the lack of understanding on what both the professionals are supposed to do and how they are different from one another. Here are three differences between a translator and an interpreter including what they do and how they do it:
- Translation converts written words in one language into another language (in the written form). This can include anything right from a document, website, and medical report to academic papers. Interpretation, on the other hand is facilitating oral communication, simultaneously or consecutively, between people speaking different languages.
- While translation can take days, weeks or even months depending on the quantity and the expected quality, interpretation happens in real time. The time taken will depend on the length of the meeting or conference. As a result there can be significant differences in the methods adopted to achieve both and the prices charged for them.
- Translators and interpreters have their own unique skill sets and the tasks accomplished by a translator might not be possible for the interpreter and vice versa. However, there is one quality that is common to both the professionals and that is expertise in more than one language and culture.
Certified Translation Services is a premier translating service in London that offers translations in over 100 global languages including French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Swedish, Russian and Japanese to name only a few. The leading French translator in Londons specialises in document translation, desktop publishing subtitling, transcription, website localisation as well as interpreting services.