Interpreting service is the procedure in which communication is facilitated between speakers and audience of different languages. The job of an interpreter is to convey every feeling and thought behind a message delivered by the speaker to an audience into the target language. Broadly categorising, interpreting services fall under two heads: consecutive interpreting and simultaneous interpreting. Here is a detailed description of the two and how they differ from one another.
- Simultaneous interpreting: In this type of interpreting, the interpreter sits inside an interpreting booth with a pair of headphones and microphone. They translate the sentence into the target language while listening to the next sentence of the speaker simultaneously. The difficulty of this type of interpretation can be understood from the fact that the interpreter can hardly afford a delay of even a few minutes, otherwise they could end up missing what the speaker has just uttered.
- Consecutive interpreting: In consecutive interpreting, the speaker stops after every few couple of minutes for the interpreter to deliver what they have deciphered into the target language. The interpreter has to take notes while the speaker is speaking so that there is no loss of details and information. In most of the cases, the speaker will stop towards the end of a paragraph or a thought for the interpreter to render the same in the target language.
Certified Translation Services offers high quality interpreting services- both simultaneous interpreting and conference interpreting in UK. The company has a team of more than 10,000 translators who are well versed in over 100 languages including French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Arabic and Spanish.