We are experts in Italian technical translation. With more than 65 million native speakers, Italian is the third most widely spoken language in the European Union. It is the official language in Italy, Switzerland, San Marino, Vatican City, Slovenia and Croatia. It is also widely spoken in Albaia, Malta and Monaco.
Technical translation is something that can be complex and accuracy is of pivotal importance in the field. From aerospace, automotive, electrical to the industrial sector, our translation service covers diverse fields of the engineering and technical realm. With significant experience and expertise in engineering translation, we can translate all your technical documents with clarity and precision while preserving the precise meaning of the document.
Italian Engineering & Technical translation
Italian is a Romance language and belongs to the Indo-European family of languages. Italian language holds a very special place in music, as it is widely used in music terminology and opera.
Below are Italian to English translations of some common terms used in the Engineering and Technical fields.
Italian Language | English Language |
il laboratorio | laboratory |
la bilancia | scale |
il peso | weight |
la provetta | test tube |
il becco Bunsen | bunsen burner |
il treppiede | tripod |
la bottiglia di vetro | glass bottle |
il morsetto | clamp |
l’esperimento | experiment |
il termometro | thermometer |
gli occhiali protettivi | safety goggles |
la calamita | magnet |
l’elettrodo negativo | negative electrode |
la batteria | battery |
l’elettrodo positivo | positive electrode |
la matematica | math |
le forme | shapes |
la circonferenza | circumference |
il centro | center |
il diametro | diameter |
il cerchio | circle |
il raggio | radius |
il quadrato | square |
l’angolo | angle |
il triangolo | triangle |
il pentagono | pentagon |
l’esagono | hexagon |
il trapezio | trapezium |
il rombo | rhombus |
il cilindro | cylinder |
la base | base |
il cono | cone |
il cubo | cube |
la piramide | pyramid |
parallelo | parallel |
dritto | straight |
perpendicolare | perpendicular |
il volume | volume |
le dimensioni | dimensions |
la geometria | geometry |
meno | minus |
più | plus |
sommare | add |
i numeri | numbers |
zero | zero |
uno | one |
due | two |
tre | three |
quattro | four |
cinque | five |
sei | six |
sette | seven |
otto | eight |
nove | nine |
dieci | ten |
venti | twenty |
trenta | thirty |
quaranta | forty |
cinquanta | fifty |
sessanta | sixty |
settanta | seventy |
ottanta | eighty |
novanta | ninety |
cento | one hundred |