We provide expert French technical translation services. Our French technical translators can translate all types of Operation manuals, Technical reports, Safety manuals, Reports and proposals, Installation manuals, Plans, Equipment manuals, Data sheets, Technical drawings, specifications and many more documents as well audio/video files.
Technical translation is something that can be complex and accuracy is of pivotal importance in the field. From aerospace, automotive, electrical to the industrial sector, our translation service covers diverse fields of the engineering and technical realm.
With significant experience and expertise in engineering translation, we can translate all your technical documents with clarity and precision while preserving the precise meaning of the document.
French Engineering & Technical translation
The French language is a widely spoken Romance language which belongs to the the Indo-European family of languages, which is one of the world’s primary language families. It is the official of 29 independent countries which are, Africa, France, Canada, Madagascar, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal, Chad, Guinea, Rwanda, Belgium, Burundi, Benin, Haiti, Switzerland, Togo, Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Comoros, Luxembourg, Vanuatu, Seychelles and Monaco.
Below are French to English translations of some common terms used in the Engineering and Technical fields.
French Language | English Language |
le laboratoire | laboratory |
la balance | scale |
le poids | weight |
l’éprouvette | test tube |
le bec Bunsen | bunsen burner |
le trépied | tripod |
la bouteille | glass bottle |
la pince | clamp |
l’expérience | experiment |
le thermomètre | thermometer |
les lunettes de protection | safety goggles |
l’aimant | magnet |
l’électrode négative | negative electrode |
la pile | battery |
l’électrode positive | positive electrode |
les mathématiques | math |
les formes | shapes |
la circonférence | circumference |
le centre | center |
le diamètre | diameter |
le cercle | circle |
le rayon | radius |
le carré | square |
l’angle | angle |
le triangle | triangle |
le pentagone | pentagon |
l’hexagone | hexagon |
le trapèze | trapezium |
le losange/rhombe | rhombus |
le cylindre | cylinder |
la base | base |
le cône | cone |
le cube | cube |
la pyramide | pyramid |
parallèle | parallel |
droit | straight |
perpendiculaire | perpendicular |
le volume | volume |
les dimensions | dimensions |
la géométrie | geometry |
soustraire | subtract |
égale | equals |
additionner | add |
les nombres | numbers |
zéro | zero |
un | one |
deux | two |
trois | three |
quatre | four |
cinq | five |
six | six |
sept | seven |
huit | eight |
neuf | nine |
dix | ten |
vingt | twenty |
trente | thirty |
quarante | forty |
cinquante | fifty |
soixante | sixty |
soixante-dix | seventy |
quatre-vingts | eighty |
quatre-vingt-dix | ninety |
cent | one hundred |