Medical science is divided into numerous fields or specializations. A professional medical translator will not just have strong knowledge of languages, but of that specific medical field and the related terminologies as well.
The French language is a widely spoken Romance language which belongs to the the Indo-European family of languages, which is one of the world’s primary language families. It is the official of 29 independent countries which are, Africa, France, Canada, Madagascar, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal, Chad, Guinea, Rwanda, Belgium, Burundi, Benin, Haiti, Switzerland, Togo, Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Comoros, Luxembourg, Vanuatu, Seychelles and Monaco.
Below are French translation of common terms used in medical documents:
Medical & Pharmaceutical Industries | |
French Language | English Language |
la sante | Health |
sterile | sterile |
la respiration | breathing |
sans connaissance | unconscious |
l’anesthesiste | anesthetist |
la salle d’operation | operating theatre |
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l’injection | injection |
la chaise roulante | wheelchair |
la salle des urgences | emergency room |
la clinique | clinic |
le service de soins intensifs | intensive care unit |
la maternite | maternity ward |
les services | departments |
la cardiologie | cardiology |
l’orthopedie | orthopedics |
le thermometre | thermometer |
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la gynecologie | gynaecology |
la radiologie | radiology |
la pediatrie | pediatrics |
la dermatologie | dermatology |
la kinesitherapie | physiotherapy |
la chirurgie | surgery |
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la maternite | maternity |
la psychiatrie | psychiatry |
l’ophtalmologie | ophthalmology |
la neurologie | neurology |
la chirurgie esthetique | plastic surgery |
l’endocrinologie | endocrinology |
la pathologie | pathology |
l’urologie | urology |
l’oncologie | oncology |
le dentiste | dentist |
la dent | tooth |
la blessure | wound |
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utiliser le fil dentaire | floss |
brosser | brush |
l’appareil dentaire | braces |
le dentier | dentures |
la rage de dents | toothache |
la fraise | drill |
la plaque | plaque |
l’extraction | extraction |
la carie | decay |
le plombage | filling |
la couronne | crown |
le chirurgien | surgeon |
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la gencive | gum |
le nerf | nerve |
la racine | root |
la premolaire | premolar |
l’incisive | incisor |
la molaire | molar |
la canine | canine |
l’opticien | optician |
les lunettes de soleil | sunglasses |
les lunettes | glasses |
le cristallin | lens |
la retine | retina |
le nerf optique | optic nerve |
la cornee | cornea |
la grossesse | pregnancy |
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les ultrasons | ultrasound |
le cordon ombilical | umbilical cord |
le placenta | placenta |
le col de l’uterus | cervix |
l’uterus | uterus |
le foetus | fetus |
l’ovulation | ovulation |
prenatal | prenatal |
la contraction | contraction |
le massage | massage |
la chiropractie | chiropractic |
l’osteopathie | osteopathy |
la reflexologie | reflexology |
la meditation | meditation |
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le reiki | reiki |
l’acuponcture | acupuncture |
l’hypnotherapie | hypnotherapy |
les huiles essentielles | essential oils |
l’herboristerie | herbalism |
l’aromatherapie | aromatherapy |
l’homeopathie | homeopathy |
l’acupression | acupressure |
la psychotherapie | psychotherapy |
la relaxation | relaxation |
le stress | stress |
la naturopathie | naturotherapy |
la guerison par cristaux | crystal healing |
l’hydrotherapie | hydrotherapy |