We translate all specialisms of law, including, but not limited to, insurance law, employment law, civil law, criminal law and commercial law. We translate contracts, articles of association, case bundles, witness statements and all other related texts. Our team of Spanish legal experts, who have been working in this field for years, carry out a thorough and scrupulous process to ensure accuracy in providing exactly what you require.
Spanish Legal Translation
Clarity and precision is of utmost importance when translating legal documents as a trivial mistake can lead to major consequences. We understand the importance of accuracy and the sensitive nature required when translating any documents for use in legal disputes, litigation, criminal proceedings and arbitration.
About the Spanish Language
Spanish along with Portuguese, Catalan and Galician, belong to Iberian Romance family of languages. The common feature which all these languages share is that they were developed on the Iberian Peninsula. Spanish is a widely spoken language and is the second most spoken native language of the world. Latin is a large contributor of modern Spanish vocabulary. Other languages that too have contributed to the Spanish vocabulary are French, Italian, Occitan and Sardinian. Spanish is also commonly known as Espanol and Castellano.
Below are Spanish to English translations of some common terms used in Law.
Spanish Language | English Language |
El derecho | Law |
el testigo | witness |
el juez | judge |
el abogado | lawyer |
el jurado | jury |
la tribuna del jurado | jury box |
la sala del tribunal | courtroom |
la acusacion | prosecution |
el auditor | court official |
el acusado | defendant |
la defensa | defense |
el celador (el funcionario de prisiones) | prison guard |
el sospechoso | suspect |
el criminal | criminal |
el retrato hablado (el retrato robot) | facial composite |
los antecedentes | criminal record |
la celda | cell |
el bufete | lawyer’s office |
la citacion | summons |
la orden judicial | writ |
el juicio | court case |
la asesoria juridica | legal advice |
la declaracion | statement |
la fecha del juicio | court date |
el cargo | charge |
el cliente | client |
la orden judicial | warrant |
como se declara el acusado | plea |
el acusado | accused |
lel veredicto | verdict |
inocente | innocent |
la carcel | prison |
culpable | guilty |
absuelto | acquitted |
la fianza | bail |
la sentencia | sentence |
la evidencia (la prueba) | evidence |
la apelacion | appeal |
la libertad condicional | parole |
Quiero ver a un abogado | I want to see a lawyer. |
Donde esta el juzgado? | Where is the courthouse? |
Puedo pagar la fianza? | Can I post bail? |
la policia | Police |
la placa | badge |
el uniforme | uniform |
la pistola | gun |
la macana (la porra) | nightstick |
las esposas | handcuffs |
el policia (el agente de policia) | police officer |
la patrulla (el coche de policia) | police car |
la sirena | siren |
las luces | lights |
la estacion de policia | police station |
el inspector | captain |
el robo | burglary |
le denuncia | complaint |
el arresto | arrest |
el detective | detective |
la agresion | assault |
la investigacion | investigation |
la celda | lockup |
el crimen | crime |
huella digital (dactilar) | fingerprint |
el sospechoso | suspect |
el cargo | charge |