Medical science is divided into numerous fields or specializations. A professional medical translator will not just have strong knowledge of languages, but of that specific medical field and the related terminologies as well.
Spanish along with Portuguese, Catalan and Galician, belong to Iberian Romance family of languages. The common feature which all these languages share is that they were developed on the Iberian Peninsula. Spanish is a widely spoken language and is the second most spoken native language of the world. Latin is a large contributor of modern Spanish vocabulary. Other languages that too have contributed to the Spanish vocabulary are French, Italian, Occitan and Sardinian. Spanish is also commonly known as Espanol and Castellano.
Below are Spanish translation of common terms used in medical documents:
English Language | Spanish Language |
male | el hombre |
female | la mujer |
neck | el cuello |
chest | el pecho |
abdomen | el abdomen |
hip | la cadera |
head | la cabeza |
waist | la cintura |
navel | el ombligo |
forearm | el antebrazo |
thigh | el muslo |
knee | la rodilla |
leg | la pierna |
foot | el pie |
nape | la nuca |
back | la espalda |
shoulder | el hombro |
arm | el brazo |
armpit | la axila |
elbow | el codo |
wrist | la muneca |
buttock | la nalga |
hand | la mano |
calf | la pantorrilla |
ankle | el tobillo |
heel | el talon |
English Language | Spanish Language |
thyroid gland | la glandula del tiroides |
windpipe | la traquea |
lung | el pulmon |
heart | el corazon |
stomach | el estomago |
spleen | el bazo |
liver | el higado |
duodenum | el duodeno |
kidney | el rinon |
pancreas | el pancreas |
small intestine | el intestino delgado |
large intestine | el intestino grueso |
appendix | el apendice |
sinus | el seno |
palate | el paladar |
tongue | la lengua |
larynx | la laringe |
Adam’s apple | la manzana de Adam |
vocal cords | las cuerdas vocales |
brain | el cerebro |
pharynx | la faringe |
epiglottis | la epiglotis |
esophagus | el esofago |
throat | la garganta |
English Language | Spanish Language |
diaphragm | el diafragma |
respiratory | respiratorio |
digestive | digestivo |
vein | la vena |
lymphatic | linfatico |
urinary | urinario |
artery | la arteria |
endocrine | endocrino |
nerve | el nervio |
nervous | nervioso |
cardiovascular | cardiovascular |
gland | la glandula |
reproductive | reproductor |